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Publications (53)
Tools (22)
Training (18)
EPRD-2024 Hard Copy
$550.00 -
Reliability Centered Maintenance
$149.00 -
Reliability of High Temperature Electronics
Starting at: $65.00 -
Basic Reliability Testing
$99.00 -
GaAs MMIC Reliability – High Temperature Behavior
Starting at: $65.00 -
Reliability Management
$20.00 -
Reliability Resource Kit for 20% Off
$480.00$384.00 -
Supportability Toolkit
$35.00 -
Design of Experiments
$20.00 -
GREEN: The Impact of “Green” Technology on System Reliability
Starting at: $75.00 -
Warranty Calculator
$200.00 -
Basic Reliability Modeling
$99.00 -
Reliability Prediction