Week of October 19 (Week 3): Securing Internet-Connected Devices in Healthcare
The healthcare industry is increasingly relying upon internet-connected devices and solutions to improve patient care, organizational efficiency, speed of crisis response, and much more.
Telehealth and telemedicine have taken the world by storm in 2020. The emergence of telemedicine, digital health records, internet-connected medical devices, patient wellness apps, and an increasing amount of third parties entering the health supply chain has created many benefits, but has also exposed the industry to vulnerabilities that cyber criminals regularly attempt to exploit.
The third week of Cybersecurity Awareness Month delves into the industry (hospitals, care facilities) and consumer (telemedicine patients) implications of internet-connected device use and what steps both can take own their part and #BeCyberSmart.
Check out these resources by Quanterion and its partners for Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Put the “Protected” Back in PHI: Safeguard Your Health Information with These Six Quick Tips 
Your health information is priceless to medical identity thieves who want access to prescription drugs or medical treatment. Don’t become easy prey! Check out these six quick tips to make it tougher for hackers to grab and misuse your health information.
Cybersecuring U.S. Healthcare Event Recording
In case you missed it, a recording of NCSA’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month kick-off event, “Cybersecurity U.S. Healthcare” is available to view. Experts from industry and government discussed the emerging threats facing the healthcare industry and consumers, and the steps we need to take to protect our nation’s healthcare and public health sector.
Healthcare and Public Health Sector CISA Article
The Healthcare and Public Health Sector protects all sectors of the economy from hazards such as terrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and natural disasters. Learn more about how CISA and other government partners are keeping this sector secure.
Keep Calm and Avoid Coronavirus Scams
The Federal Trade Commission continues its work protecting consumers, providing guidance to businesses, and protecting competition in the marketplace throughout the pandemic. Check out their resources on how to spot and avoid the latest Coronavirus scams.
Connected Healthcare Infographic 
Download NCSA’s Week 3 infographic and video to learn some of the most common ways patients and medical practitioners access health data using technology, and highlights tips to help you #BeCyberSmart.
COVID-19 Security Resource Laboratory
A compilation of tips and recommendations from NCSA and its partners on ways to stay safe online, as well as how to avoid cyber threats and scams during this pandemic.