Reliability Engineering

Professional Engineers Day

August 4th, 2021

Happy Professional Engineers Day!

This annual awareness day was first started in 2016 to recognize licensed professional engineers, celebrate the contributions professional engineers make every day, and highlight what is involved in working as a professional engineer.

Whether you’re an engineering student interested in becoming licensed in the future, a professional interested in recertification or are simply…  Read More

Software Failure Modes Effects Analysis

October 5th, 2015

Software Failure Modes Effects Analysis
This course is now offered Nov. 12-14, 2024 in Orlando, FL!
Register today for Software Failure Modes Effects Analysis!

Course Description
The course covers the steps for performing a software FMEA as well as dozens of software reliability failure modes and root causes related to the requirements, interface design, detailed design and code, vulnerabilities,…  Read More

Design for Reliability (DFR)

October 30th, 2014

Design for Reliability
Designing reliability into a system early in its life-cycle is the most effective means to ensure reliable performance and mission success. It is a well-known metric that the costs to fix a reliability issue for a fielded system is at least ten times more than it is to design the reliability in up-front.…  Read More

Reliability 101: Introduction to Reliability Engineering

October 29th, 2014

Reliability 101: Introduction to Reliability Engineering is Now Offered in-Person this March!
Sign up today!
Register today for Reliability 101 training hosted March 25-27 in Fort Worth, TX.

In this course, you’ll learn how to use one of the most widely used and effective reliability analysis methods. With the ability to model complex failure patterns and identify critical…  Read More