Quanterion Solutions is participating in the National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week that kicks off on Monday, 9 Nov. 2020.
National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a week-long campaign to promote awareness and exploration of cybersecurity careers.
The National Cyber Security Alliance hosted Twitter chat during Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week. See below for responses that were tweeted live during the chat by Quanterion Solutions.
Cyber careers are in high demand. Many are surprised at the different career opportunities in cybersecurity. What are some of those options?
Answer: The #cybersecurityfield includes a wide range of #goodpayingjobs including #softwaresecurity #engineer, cybersecurity #salesengineer, #CISO, #pentester, #cybersecurityengineer, #cybersecurityanalyst, #infosec manager & others.
Because there are so many different careers in cybersecurity, there are also different career pathways. What are some of the alternative and emerging pathways into a career in cybersecurity?
Answer: People interested in a #cybercareer may consider #researching the #industryskills gaps & looking for relevant education/training opportunities. Explore this gov resource: Cyber #CareerPathways Tool https://niccs.us-cert.gov/workforce-development/cyber-career-pathways
The field of cybersecurity is diverse, and requires a diverse talent pool. What skills outside of cyber are transferable and in high demand within the field of cybersecurity?
“The most exciting part of my career is the constant battle of attempting to stay on top of adversaries to prevent, detect & respond to malicious acts, either known or unknown.” – Nick Madia, @Quanterion #CybersecurityEngineer.
Cybersecurity has something for everyone! Cyber professionals make a real word impact by developing unique solutions in a dynamic industry. Why do you love working in the field of cybersecurity?
Answer: Don’t respond to messages asking you for personal data or money.
Look for misplaced characters or spelling & grammar errors. Watch URLs; avoid URLs that don’t starti with https & sites not associated with the sender.
One way to inspire others to begin a cyber career is to share stories. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic introduced new problems for cyber professionals to solve. How has the dynamic nature of the cyber industry played a role in your organization?
Answer: @Quanterion’s #cyberexpertise enabled the company to securely shift online during the #COVID-19 peak. In-house #cyberexperts spoke in a panel discussion by @UticaChamber to explain how companies can maintain #systemsecurity in the #remoteworking environment.
The goal of Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is to inspire, educate, and engage citizens to pursue careers in cybersecurity. How can individuals do their part for Cyber Career Week?
Spread the word about the variety of #cyberjobs! Participate in #CyberCareerWeek! Encourage #jobhunters to pursue a #cybercareer! Support local colleges that offer #cybereducation! Start a conversation about the #cyberindustry!
We’d love to hear how your organization is celebrating Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week! Are you hosting an event or encouraging others to consider a cyber career? Are you inspiring students to explore a career in cybersecurity?
@Quanterion’s in-house #cyberexpert is providing insight into entering the #workforce with added perspective from a #cyber intern. View the article here: Launching Your Cybersecurity Career: Insight from an Expert and an Intern
@Quanterion is also releasing info about the #cybereducation landscape from a #cyberinstructor. View the article here: Teaching Cybersecurity in a Shifting Technology Landscape