Weibull Analysis is Now Offered in-Person this March!

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Register today for Weibull Analysis training hosted March 25-27 in Fort Worth, TX.

In this course, you’ll learn how to use one of the most widely used and effective reliability analysis methods. With the ability to model complex failure patterns and identify critical design and maintenance issues, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to optimize system performance and drive business success.

If you want to develop your engineering knowledge, learn how to perform real-world life data analyses and applications to products, or simply deepen your understanding of reliability analyses to enrich your technical career, this course is for you.

Course Dates
Tuesday, March 25 through Thursday, March 27, 2025.

Course Location
Courtyard Fort Worth Downtown/Blackstone
601 Main Street
Fort Worth, TX  76102

Training Cost
The cost per course is $2,495.

Register for Weibull Analysis today for $245 off! The early bird discount ends Jan. 14, 2025.

Learn more about March 2025 Reliability Engineering Open Training. Contact us at Reliability@Quanterion.com with any questions or to ask how you can save your seat!


Course Description

This three-day course gives a complete overview of Weibull analysis, starting with the basics of performing a Weibull analysis and interpretation of the results. The course progresses through more complex applications of Weibull as well as other distributions. Weibull software applications are utilized to give students hands-on examples of performing analyses and interpreting the results. Class problems round out the in-depth presentation.

Total class training hours: 20.

Who Should Take the Course

Engineers responsible for reliability, safety, supportability, maintainability, materials, warranty, life cycle cost, design, structures, instrumentation, and logistics will find these Weibull techniques extremely useful.

What the Student Will Learn

The 3-day course will familiarize students with the essential methods and techniques, and how to use Weibull analysis software to apply these methods to their specific problems. Students will be presented with applications for risk forecasting with renewal and optimal component replacement, illustrated with case studies. Upon completion of the course, students are fully qualified to conduct Weibull Analyses.

Included Materials

Each attendee will receive the entire SuperSMITH™ package. included are:

  • SuperSMITH® Weibull software
  • SuperSMITH® Visual software
  • SuperSMITH® YBath™ software
  • PlayTIME™ pdf file, a computer tutorial
  • A printed copy of The New Weibull Handbook, 5th edition
    • classwork and answers
    • references

Required Materials

Each attendee is required to bring a battery powered laptop computer for use during the presentation. Students may bring their own data for analysis.

Presenter(s) Biography

Wes FultonWes Fulton is founder and CEO of Fulton Findings™. Mr. Fulton worked as an aircraft – actuation – projects program engineer employed at AiResearch Los Angeles Division, AlliedSignal Aerospace Corporation (now Honeywell), and Moog for 16 years. As a program engineer for maneuvering fly-by-wire flight controls, he had engineering and management responsibility for Taiwan’s Indigenous Defensive Fighter leading edge flap actuation system (LEFAS) development and production, the Rockwell/MBB X-31A LEFAS flight test program, and General Dynamics’ F-16 Fighting Falcon LEFAS deployment support. While at AiResearch, he co-patented a multi-fuseable shaft for use in a high performance drive-train. Mr. Fulton has over 25 years of programming experience as a private programmer. He developed the first widely-used Weibull Engineering software, WeibullSMITH™. He wrote SuperSMITH™, the widely adopted software package for variability analysis, including WinSMITH™ Weibull and WinSMITH Visual programs. His assurance-index concept combines reliability and confidence into a single metric. His Justified-Likelihood-Function (JLF) and Fulton-Factor (FF) reduce bias in design-comparison applications. He has presented Dr. Bob Abernethy’s Weibull-Lognormal Analysis Workshop hundreds of times for businesses, government organizations, and engineering societies in the U.S. and internationally. He is a contributor to Dr. Abernethy’s standard Weibull reference, The New Weibull Handbook(c). He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech and his M.S. in mechanical engineering from California State University at Long Beach.

Mr. Carl Tarum is the Director of Software Research at Fulton Findings.  His prior experience at Nexteer Automotive included ISO 26262 Functional Safety for Electric Power Steering.  Prior roles included Design for Six Sigma Master Black Belt, where he taught, coached, and managed certification records.  As a Reliability Engineer, he developed life testing and reliability predictions for hydraulic systems and new development.  He has five patents related to steering systems.  Additionally, Mr. Tarum developed the SuperSMITH® YBath™ and Help modules.  He has conducted extensive research on p-value estimates for goodness of fits and methods to analyze mixtures of failure modes.  He received his B.S.M.E from Montana State University, and his M.B.A from the University of Michigan – Flint.

To schedule an instructor-led in-person training course on this, e-mail us at reliability@quanterion.com or call us at 877.808.0097 (toll free) or 315.732.0097.

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