217Plus Incorporates:
- RIAC ‘s Commitment to Software and Model Development and Support
- A System Level Failure Rate Model
- Next Generation of Component Reliability Models
- RIAC ‘s Reliability Databases (NPRD and EPRD) in a searchable format
- Fully Scalable Modeling Approaches from “Parts Count” to Comprehensive Analysis
- Ability to Model Both Operating and Nonoperating Failure Rates
- System Development Process Grading Methodology
- Ability to Use Predecessor System Data
- Ability to Use Systems Test and Field Data
- Customizable Part Library
- Software Reliability Prediction
- Non-component failure causes through process assessment
217Plus Software Features:
- Intuitive User Interface
- Standard Windows Editing Capabilities
- Comprehensive Library Reports
- Detailed System Specific Reports
- Extensive On-Line Help Documentation
- Database File Export Capability
217Plus Minimum System Requirements:
- IBM PC, or compatible, with 500MHz Intel Pentium processor
- Windows 2000 or XP
- 256MB available RAM
- 1024 X 768 SVGA monitor, 256 colors (64K colors recommended)
- 160MB available disk space
- Mouse, or equivalent pointing device
- Small fonts (96dpi) loaded