The Influence of Reliability, Maintainability, Quality, Supportability and Interoperability on System Affordability

The Influence of Reliability, Maintainability, Quality, Supportability and Interoperability on System Affordability

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This publication, reflecting the specific mission of the Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC), discusses how the effective application of Reliability, Maintainability, Quality, Supportability and Interoperability (RMQSI) tools and processes will ensure that essential warfighting capabilities are delivered that meet system suitability requirements at the most affordable cost. The publication describes how each of the RMQSI disciplines impacts the overall affordability of a system during the evolving phases of its life cycle.

*Available as a PDF Download File and Hardcopy

Quanterion Solutions Incorporated has developed the Optimized Reliability Requirements and Cost Analysis (OR2CA) tool for one purpose: to present a methodology that develops contractual reliability requirements that are fully aligned with stated End-User Operational Reliability needs and expectations based on all of the categories of root failure cause that contribute to potential mission loss or degradation. To implement this methodology in a manner that supports the Department of Defense (DoD) “Better Buying Power” initiatives, Quanterion has automated the DoD RAM-C Rationale Report Manual to integrate the Sustainability and Availability Key Process Parameters (KPPs) and the Reliability and Ownership Cost Key System Attributes (KSAs) requirements into a comprehensive “solution” for developing and specifying contractual reliability requirements based on optimized Total Life Cycle Cost (TLCC).

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Product Description

Realigning and refocusing Information Analysis Center (IAC) capabilities and products on defense system affordability, in conjunction with current DoD Better Buying Power initiatives, is an essential task for DoD and the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) leadership going forward. This publication, reflecting the specific mission of the Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC), discusses how the effective application of Reliability, Maintainability, Quality, Supportability and Interoperability (RMQSI) tools and processes will ensure that essential warfighting capabilities are delivered that meet system suitability requirements at the most affordable cost. The publication describes how each of the RMQSI disciplines impacts the overall affordability of a system during the evolving phases of its life cycle. To be most effective, RMQSI processes and analyses must be initiated very early in the acquisition process, Pre-Milestone A, and continue throughout the system life cycle in order to create the greatest Return on Investment (ROI) and an optimal Ownership Cost (OC) and Total Life Cycle Cost (TLCC).

The relationship of RMQSI costs to the Sustainment and Availability Key Performance Parameters (KPPs), the Reliability and Ownership Cost Key System Attributes (KSAs) and the RAM-C Manual processes are discussed. The publication comes with a MS Excel-based tool titled “Optimized Reliability Requirements and Cost Analysis” (OR2CA), developed by Quanterion Solutions Incorporated, that automates the RAM-C process and incorporates three innovative ideas from the Authors presented in the publication: (1) how to define better specified inherent system design reliability requirements from stated warfighter operational reliability needs, (2) cost optimization to support investment decisions regarding reliability growth activities during design/development and test, and (3) a more effective Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to capture actual reliability costs as a function of measured reliability improvement to provide more accurate ROI analysis and interpretation.

This publication (and the OR2CA tool) are available for free (by contacting Quanterion) to:

  • DoD Acquisition personnel, including combat developers, Systems Engineers, logisticians, RAM engineers, etc. (Must have a valid .mil email address; Description of the acquisition program and/or an active government contract number must be provided with the request)
  • DoD Contractors working on active government contracts (Contract Number and description of role in the acquisition program must be provided with the request).

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