
Quanterion’s MacDiarmid Addresses 2nd Annual Homeland Security Conference

January 18th, 2006

Quanterion Solutions of Utica was invited to address the members of the Business Council of New York on its success in building a successful new business at the 2ndAnnual Homeland Security Conference. Quanterion President Preston MacDiarmid briefed an audience of several hundred in Albany on January 18th along with speakers from the federal and state…  Read More

Quanterion Part of Reliability Center Contract Award

June 21st, 2005

Quanterion Solutions is a major part of a Wyle Laboratories led team awarded a five year $28 million dollar contract by DISA to operate the DoD Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC). The 37- year old operation, previously called the Reliability Analysis Center (RAC), is the DoD’s center of excellence in data, information, and expertise related…  Read More

Quanterion Releases QuART

April 26th, 2005

Quanterion Solutions announces the release of a suite of engineering software tools called QuART for Quanterion Automated Reliability Toolkit. The suite represents the automation of many of the tools documented in a publication they previously coauthored, the Reliability Toolkit: Commercial Practices Edition. For more information or to purchase, Click here.

QuART PRO Now Available from Quanterion

July 27th, 2004

Quanterion Solutions Incorporated announces the release of the PRO version of the Quanterion Automated Reliability Toolkit (QuART PRO). The new product represents the expansion of its QuART set of tools to now include more than twenty automated tools and advisors in the field of reliability engineering. The PRO version, introduced at $189, is intended for…  Read More

Army Awards PROTOCOL to Quanterion

February 3rd, 2003

The U.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering Center at Restone Arsenal, Alabama has awarded Quanterion Solutions of Utica a $726,000 two year contract to develop a Product Reliability On-line Tools Collection (PROTOCOL) software engineering environment. The award, part of the federal government Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program was based on a competitive procurement and…  Read More

MacDiarmid Receives Engineering Award

January 11th, 2002

At the annual meeting of the Mohawk Valley Engineers Executive Council at the Hotel Utica, Quanterion Solutions President Preston MacDiarmid was presented the prestigious E. Quint Carr Award for outstanding contributions to the field of engineering. MacDiarmid was recognized for his accomplishments over a 30-year career in the field of reliability engineering at the Rome…  Read More

Quanterion Part of International Safeguards Workshop

October 15th, 2001

Quanterion Solutions, a Mohawk Valley small engineering consulting business, is an invited participant of the International Safeguards Workshop held October 15-18 at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Quanterion will brief an international audience in several areas of design and testing for high reliability. The workshop is sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Quanterion Solutions Announced

January 29th, 2000

Corporation President, Preston MacDiarmid, announced the formation of QUANTERION Solutions Incorporated, a business dedicated to quality QUANTitative services as critERION for critical decision making, particularly in reliability, maintainability and quality. The business brings together four principals with more than eighty-five collective years in engineering analyses oriented toward improved products and systems.

MacDiarmid, who left his Vice…  Read More