Secure IoT Operational Planning Environment (SIoTOPE)

IoT and the Secure IoT Operational Planning Environment (SIoTOPE)

Internet of Things (IoT) technologies continue to proliferate into all industries, from manufacturing and home automation to national defense. At the same time, there is a lot more to developing, integrating, or producing a reliable and highly effective solution, particularly when considering the immense variety of devices, communication protocols, cloud services, and user applications. The experts at Quanterion Solutions help both vendors and consumers navigate these waters, offering a variety of services that can help your organization get started, or more importantly, successfully achieve your ultimate goals.

The Secure IoT Operational Planning Environment (SIoTOPE) is Quanterion Solutions’ IoT data architecture that simplifies and expedites customers’ capability development, integration, test, evaluation, and transition to turn great ideas into real capabilities.

SIoTOPE abstracts much of the IoT technology stack such that vendors and end users can focus on their specific objectives while data management is handled by third-party experts.

How Can I Benefit from IoT Technologies?

IoT technologies leverage the latest improvements in enabling technologies (e.g., embedded computing, wireless communication, cloud computing, multiplatform applications, etc.) to derive meaningful insights from a variety of data. Such insights allow organizations to:

  • Operate more safely and efficiently
  • Reduce downtime
  • Prevent costly system failures
  • Improving profit margins
  • Increase employee satisfaction
  • Realize several additional benefits

IoT Challenges 

IoT technologies offer immense capabilities that can be employed to solve a great variety of challenges. However, the disparity of vendors, devices, wireless communication technologies, cloud services, and user applications significantly complicate the solution space, often leading to issues with:

  • Interoperability
    • Data silos
  • Vendor lock-in
  • Increased attack surface (i.e., cybersecurity)
  • General oversight of large data.

Solutions acquired from one IoT manufacturer are often incompatible with a separate IoT capability from a different vendor. End users are forced to operate with multiple applications, maintain duplicate infrastructure, deconflict data silos, and address several other suboptimal practices. 

The Solution  the Secure IoT Operational Planning Environment (SIoTOPE)

Quanterion Solutions’ Secure IoT Operational Planning Environment (SIoTOPE) specifically addresses the stated challenges by offering an interoperable, vendor agnostic IoT development and test environment for a multitude of use cases. The ecosystem leverages cloud native services and capabilities to provide scalable, highly capable solutions. Vendors leverage SIoTOPE to aggregate, process, and manage the data their devices collect, and in other cases to provide the end-to-end data handling such that they are simply provided access to the data required to train their prediction/classification models. End users often want the data derived insight without the hassle of developing, configuring, and operating the supporting infrastructure. SIoTOPE is the solution that offers that very capability.

While developed to suit the needs of the U.S. Air Force and the wider Department of Defense, SIoTOPE’s benefits are universal, and have been applied across a number of industries to provide reliable, secure, and cost-effective solutions.

Learn More About SIoTOPE 

SIoTOPE leverages a cloud-centric ecosystem for developing processes and methodologies for IoT experimentation/evaluation. This ecosystem supports the development and integration of IoT capabilities, and easily facilitates the validation of solutions for a variety of use cases.

Lack of adequate planning and testing can result in incompatibility issues, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and other functional deficiencies that can significantly impact an organization. SIoTOPE provides an established cloud ecosystem with the necessary resources to translate operational needs into functional implementations, while additionally providing an environment to validate solutions prior to operational employment.
Internet connectivity continues to proliferate with the emergence of new wireless communication technologies (e.g., 5G, Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN)). Furthermore, as device manufacturers continue to field low-cost, rapidly deployable devices that do more with less (e.g., size, weight, power, and cost (SWAP-C)), organizations are rapidly integrating IoT devices into their infrastructure.

An Internet of Things (IoT) Analytics report projected that by mid-2024, there will be 24.6 billion IoT devices on the Internet. The number of IoT devices now online exceeds the number of people on the planet by 50%. They range across all sectors of the economy, as well as Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications, such as control systems responsible for maintaining the operations and security of much of the U.S. critical infrastructure.

A key concern from a National Security perspective is whether these devices’ connectivity present new attack vectors for malicious actors. While many installations have launched or are considering IoT implementations, there is a lack of tools and analytic environments to define, validate, and refine use case implementations and validate the appropriate configuration of those resources.

Quanterion Solutions’ Government Contract Experience

Quanterion Solutions has long worked at the forefront of Department of Defense (DoD) IoT implementations, providing expert assessments and guidance to organizations including the U.S. Central Command, AFRL Information Directorate, the U.S. Marine Corps, the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Energy. 

The technical solutions company has continuously evaluated and improved processes and technologies that increase the efficiency and effectiveness of many defense-related organizations.  

Interested in resolving your organization’s IoT or cybersecurity challenges?

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